Healing Cathy Read online

Page 3

  Fee made a face at her. “It’s midnight somewhere. What do you say Luke? Want a snack before bed?” She held out her hand to Luke. He took it and went with her, without looking back. That shocked Cathy. It usually took him a while to trust people. Cade came up beside her.

  “She has a way with kids. Hell, she has a way with just about everyone.”

  “Jesus, get out of my head. Do you read minds or something?” Cathy gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. She couldn’t believe she said that. The old Cathy before Bud was a smart ass, but it had been a long time since she smarted off like that. Her ex had trained her well or was that broke her? She waited for Cade to berate her, shocking her when he laughed.

  “No, at least not yours.” He teased. “You have a very expressive face. You had this whole shock and awe thing going. It’s an expression we see a lot around Fee. Come on, let’s go to the kitchen. I’ll set your bags by the stairs. We can take them up once you are ready to get settled.”

  She nodded her thank you, thinking it best not to open her mouth and press her luck.

  The kitchen was a chef’s dream. It was open and well lit, with plenty of cabinet and counter space. The appliances were top of the line and stainless steel, except for the refrigerator which had wood panel doors to match the cabinets, creating a seamless design. An island, boasting six chairs, sat outside the kitchen work area, situated perpendicular to its partner, making it a perfect place to enjoy a family meal or a cup of coffee, while leaving the cook plenty of room to work. The area also held a large table with ten chairs. She loved the fact that it was an eat-in kitchen. It was a homey and inviting space. The large windows would let in plenty of natural light during the day. It was a room designed for a family, to make you want to gather here and spend time with each other. It was perfect.

  Luke was already seated at the bar and chatting happily with an older woman, who was pouring him a glass of milk, while Fiona made him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

  “Hello, I’m Maddie.” The older woman reached out to her and Cathy took it. “You must be exhausted after your long trip. Sit down right there and I’ll get you something to drink. Would you like something cold or hot, or perhaps something stronger?” She gave her a knowing look.

  Cathy cleared her throat. “You don’t have to wait on me.”

  “Don’t even try it.” Fiona said. “Resistance in futile. She will just mother you more if you fight her. It’s like some weird sickness.” She teased Maddie as she hip-bumped her.

  “Watch the sass, missy.” Maddie tried to give Fiona the evil eye, but ruined it when she giggled. “So, honey, what will you have?”

  She looked back and forth between the women and knew by their expressions she might as well give in. “Do you have chamomile?”

  Maddie smiled as if Cathy had given her a gift when it was actually the other way around. “I do and that sounds lovely. I think I will have a cup as well. Fiona, did you want a cup?”

  Fiona made a disgusted face. “Only if you are putting bourbon in it.” She looked at Luke and made gagging noises, setting off a fit of typical boyish laughter.

  “Mom drinks that tea all the time, Ms. Fee. She said it tastes good, but it smells funny to me, so I’m not going to try it either Grandma Maddie.”

  Cathy’s head shot up. Grandma Maddie?

  Maddie’s hand rested on Cat’s forearm. “I told him to call me that, all the children do.”

  Fiona nodded. “Emma Grace does. Her best friend, Jay, is one of Maddie’s grandchildren.”

  “As long as you don’t mind.” She gave Maddie a smile. “How many grands do you have?”

  “Six so far.”

  “So far? Six isn’t enough?” Cathy thought six was plenty. If her mom were still alive she would have loved to have just one.

  “Of course it is I guess.” Maddie smirked. “If I only had one to spoil I would count myself blessed, but it’s so much more fun to have several. There is no one like Grandma. Ask them, they’ll tell you.”

  “Boys, girls, or both?”

  “Five boys and one girl.”

  “Poor Carly.” Fiona muttered while shaking her head.

  “Why do you say that?”

  Fiona glanced at Maddie then at her men. “Well she’s the only girl, in a sea of very protective males. The poor girl’s twin is even a boy. She wants to date and I don’t see any boy ever passing muster, let alone willing to run that gauntlet.”

  Declan scowled. “She doesn’t need to date. She’s too young.” He crossed his arms over his chest and nodded.

  The disgusted look on Fiona’s face was priceless. Cathy hid her smirk behind her mug.

  “She’s sixteen, Declan.”

  “Yes, love, like I said too young.”

  “Really? How old were you when you had your first date?”

  “That’s different.”

  Cathy felt like she was at a tennis match, her gaze going back and forth between the two. Fiona stood there with her fists on her hips glaring at Declan. Fiona didn’t seem to be the least bit afraid of her tall imposing husband.

  “How is that different?”

  Declan shrugged and said, “It just is.”

  “In other words you don’t really have an answer that’s better than, because I have a penis and she doesn’t. Right. That’s not different. If anything it should handicap you.”

  Cathy jumped when Declan growled and grabbed Fiona. Cathy started step in and defend her friend. Cathy may be scared, but she wouldn’t let Declan hurt her.

  Cathy stopped when Fiona giggled.

  “Stop! That tickles Dec.” Fiona swatted at his hands.

  Cathy watched as Declan let Fiona go. She didn’t see any anger in his eyes, only amusement. Cathy let out the breath she was holding. Declan looked at Cathy and she tried to act as though her heart wasn’t about to beat out of her chest. Her face flushed red under his scrutiny.

  “I would never hurt her, Cathy. No one here would dare lay a hand on a female or a child in anger.”

  “I’m sorry.” She whispered. She put her hands to her cheeks. How embracing!

  “No need to apologize. You were worried about your friend.”

  “Mom, I’m ready for bed now.”

  Cathy rubbed her hand over her little boy’s hair. He was such a sweet boy. “Okay, sweetheart.” She looked at Fiona waiting for her to point the way, but it was Cade who spoke up.

  “I’m with you Luke. It’s late. Why don’t we head upstairs and get y’all settled? We can talk more in the morning.”

  Luke needed no further invitation. He jumped off the stool and headed for the stairs. Cathy quickly followed behind him. She didn’t want him running through their house. Luke had great manners, but he was still a boy and prone to exuberance just like any other kid. She was proud when he stopped at the bottom of the stairs and waited for the others to catch up.

  “Where are we sleeping, Mr. Cade?”

  “We figured you and your mom could stay in the east wing with us.” Cade picked up Luke’s bag and continued to talk as he ascended the stairs. “You can have your choice of rooms.”

  Cathy went to pick up her bag, but Declan grabbed first, scowled at her, and said, “I got it.” He followed Luke and Cade up the stairs. Fiona snickered behind her.

  Cathy wrung her hands. “Oh man, I just insulted him didn’t I?” She whispered to Fiona. God she was embarrassed. She just wasn’t used to all these gentlemanly men.

  “Don’t worry about it. He’s a caveman and likes to show off his muscles.”

  Declan and Cade led them through a set of double doors that opened into another living area.

  Luke looked around in awe. “Mom, it’s a house within a house.”

  “I see that. Pretty cool, huh?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Declan pointed out a bathroom off the hallway and indicated the two free guest rooms. She wasn’t sure she wanted Luke to sleep away from her, not that she didn’t trust them. She didn’t
know them, well, and it was a strange house. She didn’t want Luke to get scared, especially if he woke up in the middle of the night.

  “This place is bigger than our whole house, Mr. Declan.” Luke looked around, his little eyebrows were creased with worry. “Can I sleep with my, Mom?”

  “Of course you can, little man. We want you to be comfortable.”

  Cathy walked into the guest room on her right. “With that king size bed we will both have plenty of room.” She gave Luke a reassuring smile.

  Cade looked around the room. “You don’t have to share a bed if you would rather not. I can move a twin in here. Won’t take me anytime at all.” Cade suggested. “There is plenty of room.”

  Cathy looked around the room again. He was right, there was plenty of room, but she wouldn’t put him out. It wasn’t a big deal for her and Luke to share a bed. Luke often had nightmares and sometimes spent as much time in her bed as he did his own. The gift of Bud just kept on giving.

  “No, it’s fine. Luke and I can share.”

  “We sure can, Mr. Cade. I’ve done it before.”

  “Well if you are sure.” They both nodded at Cade. He carried Luke’s bag over and set it on the bed. “This room has its own bathroom, as does the one across the hall, should you decide you don’t want to share. They used to be mine and Dec’s rooms. There should be plenty of towels and stuff, but if you need anything just ask.”

  “Thank you.” Cathy said. “I’m sure we’ll have everything we need.”

  Fiona gave her a hug and whispered into Cathy’s ear. “Everything is going to be fine, you’ll see. You’re safe here, promise.” She let go of Cathy. Fiona turned to Luke. “You need anything, Mr. Luke?”

  “No, Ms. Fee. Thank you for letting us stay here.”

  “No need to thank me, we are happy to have you. When y’all get up breakfast will be waiting on you, in the kitchen downstairs. Sleep as late as you want. There will be plenty.”

  Declan bid them goodnight and closed the door behind Fiona, leaving Cathy and Luke alone.

  “They are real nice, huh, Mom?” Luke asked as he went to his suitcase to retrieve his pajamas and toothbrush. “I really like them.”

  “Yes, sweetheart, they are very nice. Do you need help?”

  “No ma’am, I got it. Can I wait to take a bath in the morning?”

  “Sure, but make sure you wash your hands and face good, before you brush your teeth.”

  “Kay. I’ll be right back then you can get ready.” Luke stopped at the bathroom door and looked over his shoulder at Cathy. “It’s going to be okay, Mom. I think we are safe here, just like they said.” He gave her a little smile then closed the bathroom door.

  Cathy took a deep shaky breath. She would not succumb to tears. She never wanted Luke to see her cry. Oh, she knew that thought was unrealistic. Crying because a normal situation made you sad was okay, but her reasons had never been normal.

  Chapter 4

  Fiona woke and as usual, Declan and Cade were wrapped around her like two octopi, as if they were afraid she would wander off in the middle of the night. She didn’t mind though. She loved the feeling of their strong arms around her as if they never wanted to let her go. They made her feel loved and cherished, because well, that’s what she was to them.

  “Mmm, yes you are, angel.” Cade nuzzled the back of her neck. “Very much loved and cherished.” He flexed his hips, rubbing his hard cock against her ass. He ran his rough calloused hand from hip to thigh and back again, stroking and petting her. Fiona closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation. Cade kissed and nipped at his mating mark. “I need you, angel, open for me.” He pulled her thigh up and back over his hip and slid into her from behind.

  She opened her eyes and found herself looking into lust-filled, liquid grey eyes. “Declan,” she sighed.

  Declan smiled at her as if she were infinitely precious. He palmed her cheek and pressed his lips to hers, licking the seam of her lips, coaxing her to open them. His tongue caressed hers as he explored her mouth. He kissed her as if he had all the time in the world to do so and was going to savor every second of it. He ran his hand down the column of her throat, traced her collarbone with the tips of his fingers, before moving downward to cup her breast. He pinched and tweaked her nipple, the erotic pain made her moan.

  “Damn, Dec. I don’t know what you just did, but she clamped down on my cock. She is so fucking tight.”

  Declan gave her other breast the same amount of attention and Cade cursed, again.

  Cade wrapped one arm across her shoulders and the other gripped her thigh. “Fuck baby. I wanted to savor this, but you are killing me. Looks like it’s gonna be hard and fast.” He slammed into her, his cock butting up against her cervix. She relished the pleasure of the pain. She loved it sweet and gentle or hard and fast. Fiona honestly didn’t care how they made love to her as long as they did.

  “I’m not going to last. Send her over Dec.”

  Declan pinched her clit, sending her into orbit. She vaguely heard Cade’s roar as he followed her into bliss.

  Cade held Fiona tightly to his chest and Fiona laid her head on Dec’s shoulder as they caught their breath. Declan ran his fingers through her hair and praised her. Telling her how beautiful she was and how much he loved her. Cade playfully smacked her hip, and they both groaned when his cock slid from her body.

  Declan caressed her cheek and said, “We better get a move on, before the princess awakens.”

  Fiona looked up into Declan’s eyes. “What about you?”

  He smiled tenderly and kissed the tip of her nose. “Later, love.” He chuckled at the disgruntled look on her face. “Now, come on, none of that.”

  “But, you two haven’t made love to me together, in a couple of weeks. What’s going on?”

  “Nothing is going on, love. Our timing hasn’t been the greatest lately that’s all. We still want you and love as much, if not more, since the second we found out you were our mate.”

  They were hiding something. Fiona was sure of it. She just didn’t know what it could be. The only thing that kept her from freaking out or threatening to cut their balls off, was the fact that she could still feel their love and desire for her. She also knew they would tell her in their time frame not hers, which sucked. She could bring on some tears, which would definitely compel them to tell her. They hated to see her cry, but she had too much pride to play that game. She sighed, climbed over Declan, straddling his hips, to get out of bed. He didn’t respond other than to help her down, and for some reason that had her fighting tears. She was being completely unreasonable and acting like a baby, yet she couldn’t stop the emotional upheaval inside her. She closed the bathroom door behind her, a signal her men knew meant she wanted to be alone.


  Cade met Declan’s eyes and the concern in them mirrored his own. “I hate this Dec. Can’t we just tell her? I hate watching the light diminish from her eyes when one of us turns her down.”

  “You think it doesn’t kill me? Knowing I am the cause of her doubt and sadness is eating me up inside. You heard what Maddie said, and we agreed not to ruin this for Fiona. She’ll want to surprise us when she finds out. I won’t risk her or our cub. The second she tells us she’s pregnant, we’ll take her to see Mitch or Brian. We’ll make sure she and the baby are fine and that there aren’t any restrictions on what she can do. Until then, we take it easy on her.”

  Cade tossed Declan a pair of sweats and asked, “How long do you think it’s going to take her to figure it out?”

  “She should realize this week, when she’s late. I’m gonna go use the other shower.”

  Cade looked at Declan’s crotch and smirked. “Better make it a cold one.”

  Declan flipped him the bird. “Yeah, thanks ass.” Declan looked over his shoulder before he opened the bedroom door. “You gonna wait on her?”

  Cade nodded. “Yeah. You gonna help the princess?”

  “You know it.”

  Cade smiled
when Declan sent him a mental picture of their sweet little cub asleep in her bed. It was how they found her every morning. Emma Grace had her doll Agnes clutched to her chest in a death grip, corkscrew curls covering her face, and her kitten Princess curled up, sleeping in the remainder of Emma Grace’s curls that were spread across her pillow.


  Fiona stood under the spray of hot water letting the warmth sooth her ragged emotions. What the hell was wrong with her? She never got butt hurt at the slightest thing. Yes, she was annoyed that they wouldn’t make love to her at the same time, but their reasons were valid. Not that she minded a quickie now and then. Maybe, they felt they were overwhelming her with their overactive libidos. Whatever it was, they were aggravating the crap out of her.

  She grabbed the shampoo and lathered up her thick dark locks, reminding herself to leave the conditioner in her hair for extra time this morning. Her hair seemed lackluster and dry recently. She hadn’t felt well over the past week or so. She was tired and felt all around icky. Maybe she was coming down with something or needed some supplements. She thought she hid it well, but perhaps her men picked up on it, that would explain their odd behavior.

  She leaned over to shave her legs and a wave of dizziness hit her. She carefully sat down on the seat and put her head between her knees. What the hell? She decided to call Brian the second she was dressed to see if he could run a few blood tests and pinpoint the issue. Something was definitely wrong.


  His mate emerged from the bathroom, and Cade was reminded once again at how the Fates had blessed him and Declan. She was so goddamned sweet and beautiful and… son of a bitch, her eyes were dull and red as if she’d been crying. He went to her immediately and wrapped his arms around her. Her breathed hitched as if she were fighting tears. He rubbed his cheek on the top of her head. “Baby, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

  “I don’t know.” She mumbled.

  He put an arm behind her knees, picked her up, and carried her over to the bed. He sat on the edge and held her as she cried. He opened his link to Declan, “Our mate is crying, Dec.”

  “I’m on my way. We can let Emma Grace sleep awhile longer.”