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Healing Cathy Page 6

  “Mommy! Dat’s a bad word!”

  “Sorry baby.”

  “Fiona? What’s going on?” His mate’s quiet sweet, yet raspy, voice had his cock weeping and pulsing like a damned divining rod. Her voice was rough, as if she had a sore throat, but it was sultry and sexy, instead of sickly. He wondered what she would sound like in the throes of ecstasy.

  Fiona quickly covered her outburst. She touched Cathy’s forearm and said, “Oh, um, I was surprised they called Paul to come over. He was up all night working. He should be sleeping.”

  His mate’s eyebrows knitted in confusion.

  “Paul’s the sheriff I told you about.”

  “Oh.” She turned her wary violet gaze on him.

  When he didn’t respond, Kell elbowed him in the side. If they were alone that constant shoving and elbowing would have earned his brother an ass whipping. However, his mate was uncomfortable enough, so he would forgo that, for now.

  He locked his body down to avoid any unwanted response, like throwing her down and fucking her senseless. Instinct had him moving cautiously, as he walked towards his mate, to introduce himself. Something deep inside him told him, rushing up on her would be a very bad thing. His wolf didn’t like the implications. She flinched slightly when he reached across the table to shake her hand. He fought the growl that tried to make its up his throat. There was only one reason a woman would react like that to such an innocent move. Someone had abused his mate. He noticed the bump on the bridge of her nose, indicating it had been broken at least once, the visible and not so visible scars on her sweet face, and the almost imperceptible trembling. He ignored them all. There would be time later, once he got to know her and earned her trust, for her to tell him who he needed to kill.

  “I’m Sheriff Paul Creed.”

  “Hello, Sheriff. It’s nice to meet you. I’m Cathy.” She shyly took his hand and an electric current shot up his arm straight to his groin. The widening of her eyes told him she felt it too. She jerked her hand away and blushed.

  “Call me Paul, Cathy. Wait, Cathy? The Cathy? The blue sucker lady?” Paul looked at Emma Grace when she giggled and nodded her head. He turned his attention back to his mate and raised his eyebrow.

  “Yes. Who knew a blue sucker would make such a lasting impression.” She smiled at him and he forgot to breathe.

  “From what I hear, it was more than just a blue sucker that left a lasting impression. Thank you, for what you did for my family.”

  Cathy’s chest and face flushed a deep red. “Anyone would have done it.”

  “No, they wouldn’t have, trust me on that.”


  Paul looked down at a little boy about Jay’s age, sitting next to Emma Grace. His hair was darker than his mothers, more auburn than red. Much like his mother, his eyes were kind, guileless, and wary. Unlike his mother, his eyes were gun-metal grey with only a hint of violet.

  Paul held out his hand to the cub, his cub. “Hi, I’m Paul.”

  The boy sat up a bit straighter and held out his hand. The boy’s grip was strong and sure. “I’m Luke. Nice to meet you, Mr. Paul.” Luke looked over at Cathy, then back at Paul. “That’s my mom.” Luke’s eyes and voice held an unmistakable protectiveness for his mother. Pride filled Paul. He couldn’t have asked for a more perfect cub. The honor and goodness that flowed from the boy was tangible.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Luke.”

  Luke nodded. “Thank you, Mr. Paul. You’re a police officer?”

  “Yes. I’m Sheriff here in Copper Creek.”

  The boy nodded mulling over whatever thoughts were running through his young mind. Paul knew the second the young cub made the decision to voice them. “Are you a good sheriff?”

  Paul wasn’t sure what he was asking. “I’m not perfect, but I try to do the best job I can.”

  “No. I mean, you protect people, right? You don’t use your badge to hurt them?”

  “Luke,” Cathy scolded her son.

  What the fuck? Someone who abused their badge, hurt his mate, his cub, or perhaps both. “I would never use my position that way. I’m sheriff because, I want to help people and protect those who need it.”

  Luke nailed Paul with serious eyes beyond his years, and asked, “Are you going to help my mom and protect her?”

  Cathy admonished her son for a second time. Obviously, Luke let the proverbial cat out of the bag. Luke flushed, but never took his eyes from Paul’s.

  Paul’s senses were on high alert and even though he knew the answer, he asked Luke, “Does she need help and protection?”

  “Yes, sir.” Luke’s eyes blinked rapidly stemming the flow of tears that threatened to fall. Emma Grace wrapped her tiny arms around the boy’s middle. Jay reached around Emma Grace to pat Luke’s shoulder and offer him comfort

  “Uncle Paul will help your mommy. He’s very nice.” The little pixie looked up at Paul and smiled. Her love for him calming the rage in his gut. Paul ruffled her corkscrew curls.

  “That’s right, Emma Grace.” He turned his attention back to Luke. “I will help you and your mom. No matter what.”

  The cub smiled at him and Paul couldn’t help but return it. Luke was missing a front tooth. Ah, the tooth fairy. He remembered imaginary creature well. She was the best way to earn money at that age.

  “Who do you need protection from, Cathy?”

  “Um.” His mate was sexy as hell, when she was flustered.

  Luke answered for her. “From Bud. I call him Bud, even though he’s my father, because he’s a bad man and I hate him.”

  Cathy gasped. Paul had to tamp down his jealousy when Cathy, looking horrified, turned to Fiona for reassurance. She should look to him for reassurance and support.

  Fiona gladly jumped to her rescue. “You know this is grown-up talk. How about a movie? What do you say kiddo’s? Cathy, why don’t we get these rug rats settled in the media room with a movie. Then we can discuss issues over coffee? I’m sure you could use some after the night you had, Paul.”

  He offered his cousin-in-law and Alpha Fem as small smile. “Coffee sounds great, Fee. Thanks.”

  Maddie immediately started a fresh pot of coffee and Fiona and Cathy left to get the kid’s settled with a movie.


  Cade clapped Paul on the back. “Congratulations, cousin. She’s a fine woman and her cub is a great kid.”

  “What’s the deal?”

  “We didn’t know anything until Luke volunteered his helpful information.”

  “You mean you haven’t looked?”

  Cade and Declan both shook their heads.

  Cade explained, “We assumed it was the ex and wanted to wait and see how forthcoming she would be, before we went that route. We just finished up breakfast when you came in.”

  Declan looked towards the door, making sure they were still alone and said, “They don’t know anything about shifters. Since she’s your mate, we will leave it up to you to tell her. We have to tell them anyway, and sooner rather than later would be best.”


  Declan grinned. “Luke is also Emma Grace’s mate.”

  “No shit?”

  “Yep, no shit. Declan and I figured it out when Emma Grace announced that Luke was her other bestest friend. Fiona was too worried about how Jay was going to handle Luke’s status, to put one and two together.” Cade snickered. “She finally realized what was happening when, Jay so helpfully announced to Luke, that they could only be friends with Emma Grace until she was much older. When she got old enough they could make her theirs. But, she has to college first. Ms. Fee said so. After that, they can marry her and take care of her forever.”

  Mal burst out laughing. “Oh, man. How did the spitfire take the news? Did we learn any new Cajun expletives this morning?”

  Paul and Kell chuckled when Cade and Declan shifted uncomfortably.

  “As good as can be expected.” Cade offered.

  Mal raised his eyebrows. “And that means what,

  “Fiona’s forehead literally hit the table,” Cate started laughing. “She started chanting, No, no, no and Why do the fates hate me?”

  Declan shook his head and wagged his finger at his brother. “She also said she was going to get out her voodoo doll and shrink something important on your anatomy, if you didn’t stop laughing, little brother.”

  That reminder sobered Cade, but set off Kell and Mal, again.

  Chapter 7

  The second he entered the room, Cathy’s body went on high alert and it scared the hell out of her. Not an Oh, shit, I’m terrified kind of scary, but an uncharacteristic Pick me! Pick me! kind of scary.

  The sexy man in the Sheriff’s uniform filled the room with presence, but his air of authority didn’t suffocate her. On the contrary, it made her feel safe and protected. Oh, and breathing around him, she could forget about that. In fact, she had to hold her breath, because each time she inhaled, his delectable tangy scent of cedar and clean male, assaulted her senses.

  The way he stared at her should have freaked her out, but it didn’t. While the delectable Sheriff was staring at her, she stared right back. She grinned. It didn’t hurt to look. How could she not? He was a beautiful man. All the men around the ranch were good looking, but none of them were as hot as this man. He was large, easily six and half feet tall and packed with muscle. The only other man, in the room, bigger than him, was Cade, in bulk, not height. The Sheriff’s size should have scared her, but it didn’t, and she couldn’t begin to fathom why.

  He had collar-length, dark, black-brown hair and a ruggedly handsome face, grass green eyes, prominent cheek bones, a nose that had been broken a time or two, full sensual lips, and square, stubble covered jaw.

  The contours of his muscled torso, easily seen under the stretched fabric of his black oxford uniform shirt. His well-developed shoulders made it appear as if he didn’t have a neck and his biceps were as big as her thighs. Which was saying something, because she was not a small woman, not that Cathy considered a size fourteen freakishly huge.

  His defined deltoids and lean waist created that perfect V-shape. When her gaze landed on his large rectangular belt buckle, the type rodeo cowboys wore, she nearly swooned Scarlet O’Hara style. The buckle was silver, with a large, gold sheriff’s star in the center. Her knees weakened every time she caught a glimpse of it. She had buckle lust. Who knew? Her hungry gaze traveled from his belt buckle directly to his muscular thighs. She made her way down to his feet expecting to see a pair of sexy western boots. Instead, he wore a pair of black steel-toed combat type boots. She would like to say she was disappointed, but she wasn’t. The boots he wore screamed bad ass and were utterly drool-worthy.

  She had purposefully avoided his crotch area while performing the furtive reconnaissance of his delectable body. She told herself; she didn’t care what he had there. As far as she was concerned if she never saw another dick, she could die a happy woman. Yeah right? You didn’t resist looking on the way back up, did you?

  Okay, so she glanced at it on the way up. Holy crap! The thing looked fucking huge. She mentally patted herself on the back up, for not catching a glimpse of that monster on the way down. He was packing some serious manhood in that area, correction, erect manhood. She wondered how he walked without a limp.

  He is standing in the middle of the kitchen with hard-on, and your first thought is; poor guy, he must be uncomfortable. How the hell does he walk straight? Her inner imp was on a roll today with all the mocking and sarcasm. Clearly, Cathy had lost her mind somewhere between her shower and breakfast.

  When he held out his hand to introduce himself and she took it. His large hand engulfed her smaller one, and the contact sent an electric shock up her arm and straight to her pussy. The slight widening of his eyes indicated he felt it too. She jerked her hand away as if she’d been burned. Her nipples hardened and her pussy clenched, and just when she thought it couldn’t get any worse, Luke joined the conversation.

  Cathy could have kissed Fiona when her friend had suggested the movie. She needed a moment to breathe, to regroup. She needed a few minutes to come to terms with her reaction to the sexy sheriff. No man had ever had such a visceral effect on Cathy as Paul Creed. Her inner imp whispered, Paul Creed, and sighed. Cathy stifled a groan.

  Then there was Luke’s reaction, which was equally if not more troubling. The only man Luke trusted was Jamie. He didn’t trust men, not even men he could trust, like his little league coach, his friends’ fathers, or her boss. It amazed her when Luke opened up to Paul. Luke’s reaction said a lot about the man’s character.

  No, she wasn’t going to take the gut instinct of a seven-year-old as law, but it gave her hope. Fiona and her men trusted Paul. Cathy knew she could trust Fiona. So, for now, Cathy would trust Paul, at least to a certain point.

  Cathy smiled as Emma Grace chatted happily with Luke and Jay about how her Uncle Paul was the bestest sheriff and he would fix everything. It was obvious she loved her uncle to death and the way Paul looked at Emma Grace told Cathy; the feeling was mutual. His display of caring and gentleness was not something one would expect from a man who oozed testosterone and looked as dangerous as Paul Creed. Unfortunately, Cathy knew all too well how deceptive appearances could be.

  “Jay, I think we should let Emma Grace pick the movie, don’t you?”

  Jay nodded. “I always let her pick. Don’t worry Luke, she picks good movies.”

  Luke was being so sweet and gentle with Emma Grace, it made Cathy proud. She still wasn’t sure how she felt about Jay telling Luke, they were going to marry Emma Grace. She was trying hard not to make a big deal out of it or the fact that Luke smiled and nodded in agreement. However, a tiny part of her brain was screaming, what the fuck?

  “What movie do you want to watch Emma Grace?”

  Emma Grace’s eyebrows furrowed in concentration. “Do you like Up?”

  Luke shouted. “Squirrel!” Jay countered with “Put him in the cone of shame”. Emma Grace collapsed in a fit of giggles. Cathy and Fiona shared a smile and a few giggles of their own.

  Fiona queued the movie up in the Blu-ray and showed Luke where the snacks and little fridge we located.

  “Be good, Luke and don’t eat too much junk.”

  “I’ll be good, promise.”

  Cathy and Fiona headed back to the kitchen where the men were waiting. She walked silently down the hallway next to Fiona. Before they entered, Fiona reached out and held her hand.

  “It’s going to be fine, Cathy. You can trust every man in that room, especially Paul.”

  Cathy pressed her palm to her stomach to try to quell her nausea. “I hate this. I don’t want anyone to get hurt because of me. I’m sorry Fiona, I didn’t want to drag you into this, but I didn’t know where else to go.”

  “If you wouldn’t have called me I would have been pissed with a capital P. You helped me when I needed it most. Why would you think I wouldn’t return the favor? Not that it’s the only reason I want to help you. You’re my friend and now that Luke is Emma Grace’s other bestest friend, your family. I take the protection of those I care about seriously.”

  “I don’t know what to say to that.”

  “Nothing, that’s what.”

  Cathy managed a thank you around the lump in her throat. Fiona nodded her understanding. Male laughter spilled from the kitchen and Fiona narrowed her eyes at the door. She squeezed Cathy’s hand and left her in the hallway, giving Cathy much needed privacy to collect herself.


  Fiona’s fists went to her hips, brows furrowed in consternation, and her lips turned down at the corners as she eyed each man equally. “Y’all better not be laughing at what I think y’all laughing at,” Fiona threatened. “I have dolls for each of you. Don’t make me sacrifice a chicken and call down a cunja.”

  It never ceased to amaze Paul how the tiny woman fearlessly scolded a room full of men easily three times her size as if they were errant children. Unfortunate
ly, for Fiona, his brothers and cousins found her about as threatening as Emma Grace’s cat, Princess.

  Mal, Kell, and Cade snorted in amusement. Fiona growled, “Yeah, yuck it up asshats and see what happens.” Fiona held up her little pinky finger and wiggled it.

  Paul looked passed Fiona when she entered the kitchen, alone. Where was his mate?

  As if reading his mind, Fiona said, “She’s right behind me.” Fiona turned and smiled at his mate as Cathy entered the room.

  Paul reached out and put a steadying hand on the counter top. The mere sight of his mate and her luscious curves threatened to take him to his knees. Cathy was a walking wet-fucking-dream, a reminder of the bygone era of perfect pin-up girls. Paul smiled when he figured out why she looked so familiar. Thank fuck, because it was driving him crazy. It wasn’t that he knew her, it was because she reminded him of someone he secretly lusted over like a fourteen-year-old boy. Cathy reminded him of Christina Hendricks, vibrant red hair, plump kissable lips, large breasts that would overflow his hands, tiny waist, and curvy hips. However, Cathy had a little more “va” in her “voom”, then the sexy starlet. She was a sex kitten, his sex kitten.

  Paul couldn’t wait to hold on to those luscious hips as he pounded into her pussy from behind or better still, took her ass. He couldn’t wait to see those cherry red lips wrapped tightly around his cock as he fucked her mouth.

  Paul forgot where he was for a moment, until Mal whispered a warning in his ear, “You might want to lock that shit down, brother mine. You are practically eye-fucking her, even I’m blushing.”

  Paul shook his head and tried, in vain, to rid his mind of the vivid images. He looked at Cathy, who was blushing profusely as she looked at her feet while surreptitiously eying him from under her lashes. Her pose was perfectly submissive. The Dom in him knew the pose was natural to her nature and not the calculated stance of a submissive trying to gain the attention of a Dominant. Cathy had no idea what she was doing to him and it made her a hundred times sexier.

  Paul wanted to wrap his arms around her and protect her, prove to her that she could trust him, and convince her that he would love and cherish her forever. His mate deserved all those things, all women deserved them, and should expect them from the man who loves her. He had a feeling the last man that professed to love her, did everything but love, cherish, and protect her.