Healing Cathy Page 8
Thanks to the money he inherited from his grandparents; he had more than enough to live off of. He sniggered. Everyone thought he pissed that money away, but he hadn’t. It was sitting in an account in Belize gaining interest. He always knew he would kill his bitch, in his own time, when he was tired of her. He always knew he would have to disappear. Hell, he could live off the interest alone, for the rest of his life if he wanted to, as soon as he attended to his unfinished business, he would do just that. Yes, sir, he would.
When he was finished with her, he’d stash his boy with Randy, then he would come back and make his brother and his “perfect” family pay. Who did they think they were, helping his wife and son to leave him?
Chapter 9
Fear paralyzed her. She tried to hold her body as still as possible, afraid tremors attacking her body would cause it to shatter into a million pieces. She should have kept a better eye on the time. She knew he would be home at six and expected her to have dinner on the table when he walked through the door. He had to wait ten minutes before he could sit and eat. Bud hadn’t said a word about it, but she knew what was coming. She knew he liked to build the anticipation. His punishments were both mental and physical. Both sides equally brutal, meted out without an ounce of compassion, filled only with loathing and violence.
Cathy barely touched her food. Her stomach churned with the need to vomit. She knew she would later, caused by the pain he would inflict. She didn’t look at him, kept her focus on her own plate, but she could feel him watching her. Cathy knew he wore that smug arrogance like a badge of honor. He was reveling in the reaction, caused by his silence.
He set his fork down and pushed his plate away. It was time.
“Go prepare yourself. Do not make me wait.”
She wanted to scream “NO!” She wanted to run, to fight, do anything, except sit there like a coward and meekly follow his directive, but she wouldn’t. There was no way out for her. She couldn’t allow anything to happen to Jamie, Stacy, or her precious niece Abbie. If she was lucky, he would finally kill her tonight.
She walked down the hall to their bedroom. The second she stepped across the threshold, she stripped out of her clothes, went to the armoire that held all of Bud’s supplies, and opened it. She knew that some of the toys were supposed to create pleasure though Bud only used them to cause pain. She put her hand on the tool, he expected her to present to him. She ran her finger over the leather. His wedding present. She would never forget the day he gave it to her or the first time he used it on her.
She turned when Bud entered the room, kneeled, bowed her head, and presented the strap to him.
“What time do I expect you to have my meals ready?”
“You expect meals at six a.m., twelve-thirty p.m., and six p.m., Master.”
“Was my dinner ready at six?”
She swallowed past the lump in her throat, the fear clawing at her. “No, Master.”
He tilted his head, studying her. “How many minutes did I have to wait for your fucking, lazy ass to put my food on the table?”
“Ten, Master.”
“Assume the position.” When she hesitated, he grabbed her arm and pulled her to her feet. He shoved her toward the bed, stating, “Hesitate for one more second and I’ll double your punishment.”
Silent tears spilled down her cheeks. Cathy bent over and laid her trembling hands on the mattress.
“You are such a hot piece.” She flinched when he caressed her ass. “Too bad you are so fucking stupid you can’t tell time. This is all your fault. You make me do this. All you have to do is follow the rules.”
She closed her eyes and tried in vain to block out what was happening. The first lash across her ass with the leather strap stole her breath, fire licked across her flesh, up her spine, and down her legs. He didn’t hesitate to administer the second, or the third, or the tenth. He never hesitated. He rained indescribable pain down on her. Eight lashes across the fleshy part of her butt and two across the backs of her thighs. She felt something wet running down her right leg. She tried to tell herself it was her perspiration caused by shock and pain, but she knew better. She could smell the unmistakable metallic scent of her own blood. Bud would be extra rough with her now.
He tossed the strap next to her hand, kicked her feet further apart, and stood behind her. She heard him unzip his pants and with one strong thrust he was inside her. This was worse than any beating. He not only bruised her body, but her heart and soul, as well.
He complained about her being dry. What did he expect? She would like him brutalizing her? Thank god it didn’t take him long to finish. He pulled out of her, slapped her on the hip, grabbed her hair, and pulled her head up to meet his eyes. “What do you have to say, slave?”
She whispered, “I’m sorry dinner was late. Thank me my generous discipline and for fucking me.”
He gave her a brutal kiss, when he pulled away, her blood was on his lips.
Cathy blinked, and he was gone. Where was Bud? He was just here.
“Mom! Mom! Please help me, Mom!”
She ran into the hallway. “Luke? Luke where are you?”
She heard Bud laugh and ran to Luke’s room, but they weren’t there. No! He had her son. God, no! She could hear Luke calling for her, but he was nowhere. She searched the entire house. She heard him call for her again and ran to her bedroom. Did Bud have him in their room? Was he whipping her baby? Was Bud torturing him? She rushed into her room, but it was empty. She dropped to her knees and cried. Where was Luke? What did he do with her baby, her sweet Luke?
She woke with a start, slowly looked around, and sighed in relief. It was a nightmare, caused by the stress of what she was about to do. That’s all it was.
She looked over at Bud, lying beside her. She listened to him breathe. His grip on her loosened as he fell in to a deep sleep and began to snore. She hurt all over. He was extra rough with her tonight. She had to bite the pillow to keep from crying out as he pounded into her. Crying and screaming only made it worse and begging made it excruciating. He loved to cause her pain. He said it was his right to use her as he saw fit, she was his wife after all.
Cathy slowly slipped from beneath his arm, freezing when he moved, and breathing a sigh of relief when he rolled over. She slipped from the bed and eased the door open. She could feel blood dripping from her between her legs. She couldn’t worry about that now. She had to get them out. It was up to her. The only other person in the house couldn’t help them. Luke relied on her for everything and that’s precisely why she needed to leave.
She had enough money now. She could leave and make a new life for Luke. Bud would kill her one day, go too far, and beat her to death. Who would take care of her son if Bud killed her?
She tiptoed through the house and down the hall to Luke’s room. She paused and listened, relaxing when she heard Bud’s constant snoring. She eased the door open and slipped inside. She put hand over Luke’s mouth and woke him. He jolted awake with fear in his eyes, until he realized it was her, and not his father.
She put a finger to her lips and whispered, “Shh. Don’t say a word. Grab your bag, it’s time to go, sweetheart.”
He nodded and scrambled quietly from his bed. Luke went to his closet and retrieved his little Batman backpack. She took his bag, bundled him in his coat, and grabbed his sneakers. He would put them on once they were outside. Together, they quietly slipped out of his room
They tiptoed to the kitchen, Luke sat on the floor in front of the refrigerator. Cathy opened the pantry door, moved the large containers of flour and sugar aside, to get to her little hidey-hole. She turned her ear towards the hallway, listening to make sure Bud was still asleep. She removed the piece of the paneling, behind it hid her stash, wrapped in an old t-shirt. She knew Bud would never look in the pantry. He inspected the closets, and the shed for things she may have hidden to help her escape. The kitchen was where women belonged. He never came in here. He was too much of a misogynistic bastar
d to serve himself.
Cathy put on the jeans, sweater and socks she had hidden and grabbed the wad of cash. With dollar here and a dollar there from leftover grocery money and secretly selling her mother’s diamond pendant, she was able to accumulate a thousand dollars. It was enough for a couple of bus tickets and to start over.
She was conscious of every sound and shift in the air as they made their way to the door. She expected Bud to come barreling out of their room any minute now, to stop her. She knew if he found her trying to escape, he would beat her to death in front of Luke and who knows what would happen to her baby boy.
She put on her coat, grabbed her purse, stuffed the money inside, and they slipped out of the house into the night. She sat on the porch steps and quickly put on her shoes, then helped Luke with his. They were almost free. They didn’t have far to go, only one block, and they’d be at Stacy’s house. Her sister-in-law would help her get out of town.
They were halfway down the street when she heard a loud bang. She sobbed, she was so close. She turned to see Bud running across the yard, with murder in his eyes. She screamed at Luke to run and not look back. She ran too, but she knew she would never out run Bud, especially in her condition. Next thing she knew he had her by the hair and was dragging her across the pavement. She screamed and fought like a wild cat, praying the neighbors would hear her. This wasn’t like Bud. He was always careful. He never left bruises that couldn’t be hidden. He threatened her. If she ever said anything, he would kill her and Luke, then turn his rage on Jamie and his family. Her escape must have sent him over the edge.
He yanked her up and slammed his fist into her face. She would have fallen to the ground had he not been holding her hair. He hit her again and her vision began to waver. Her knees buckled and this time, he let her go. He was on her the second she hit the black top, and punched her repeatedly, in the face. He was going to beat her to death. She heard shouts, people screaming, they seemed so far away. He looked around, then wrapped his hands around her neck and began to squeeze. She clawed at his hands, but it didn’t do any good. She couldn’t breathe, black spots formed before her eyes, and darkness called to her. He was going to murder her right here in the street, in front of God and everybody. Someone yelled at him to get off her. Someone screamed “Call 911.” Then he was gone.
She stared up at the starry sky, struggling to fill her lungs with oxygen. Her next-door neighbor, Mrs. Kenner leaned over her with tears in her eyes. Cathy could hear Bud yelling and fighting in the distance.
Cathy whispered, “Luke?”
“He’s fine honey. Mr. Kenner has him. You just hold on. I’m so sorry. We didn’t know.” Mrs. Kenner sobbed. “Help is on the way, sweetheart. He can’t hurt you anymore.”
She tried to smile, but pain made it impossible. “Stacy… call… Stacy.”
“Stacy? Jamie’s wife?”
Cathy nodded.
“All right, honey.” Mrs. Kenner looked at someone and relayed the message. She looked back at Cathy and caressed her hair, trying to sooth her. Cathy felt anything but soothed. God, she was starting to hurt. She just wanted to sleep.
“No. No. Don’t close your eyes. Stay awake for me, sweetheart.”
Cathy heard the sound of pounding feet. Oh, god, Bud was free! He was going to kill her. She had to get up and move. She had to run.
She began to struggle, but Mrs. Kenner held her down. Why wouldn’t she let her up? Was she siding with Bud? No, that didn’t seem right.
“Sweetheart, stop you are going to hurt yourself.”
“Oh, no sweetheart, they have Bud in custody. It’s just Stacy and Jamie running up. You asked me to call them remember?”
She nodded, but didn’t relax until Stacy and Jamie were leaning over her. Stacy had tears in her eyes.
“Luke?” Cathy whispered. “Take care of him.”
Stacy grabbed her hand. “Don’t worry about Luke. Abbie is with him. Bud is in custody. This isn’t going to happen anymore. It’s over Cat. He’ll go to jail. Jamie will see to it, brother or not. The ambulance is coming. I can hear it. Just hold on.”
“Stace is right. He’ll do time for this. Practically the whole neighborhood witnessed it. I wish you would have told me it was this bad, Cathy.” Jamie said. “I thought it was only words. I thought he just treated you like shit. I know Bud is a bastard, but I had no idea. The ambulance is pulling up. I’m going to go talk to the officers. You just hang in there. We’ll take care of Luke. We’ll see you at the hospital, kid.”
She was safe, but more importantly Luke was safe, at least for now. She couldn’t keep her eyes open, so she let them close, and she knew no more.
Chapter 10
Declan and his brother jolted awake, the scent of fear and anxiety hung in the air. They jumped out of bed, quickly threw on their jeans, and yanked the door open. Luke came barreling out of Cade’s old room, tears rolling down his flushed cheeks. Declan knelt in front of the frightened boy and held his shoulders.
“What’s wrong? Where is your mom?”
Luke sucked in an unsteady breath. “She’s sleeping, but she’s having a bad dream. She’s crying and everything. I can’t wake her up. I tried and tried.”
Declan felt his mate come up behind him. He handed Luke off to Fiona, knowing the boy needed a calming motherly touch right now. They rushed into the guest room and sure enough, Cathy was in bed, crying and thrashing about. Declan and Cade both tried waking Cathy, but couldn’t get her to respond. It was as if she were locked in her nightmare, unable to escape. Declan was at his wits end. They tried every gentle way they could think of to wake her. They were out of options that wouldn’t physically harm her.
His mate touched his shoulder, calming him. “I called Paul. He was already on his way over. He should be here any second.”
“Thank you, love. I should have thought of that.”
They all turned towards the door when they heard the front door to the suite slam against the wall and feet pounding down the hallway. Paul skid to a stop in the doorway, assessing the situation.
Luke ran over to Paul and tugged on his hand. “You have to help her, Mr. Paul. We can’t wake her up.”
Paul laid a comforting hand on his cub’s shoulder before going to his mate. He sat down on the bed next to Cathy, still locked inside the terrifying nightmare. He gently caressed her face, and she calmed some. Her body wasn’t as rigid and her arms and legs were still.
He leaned down and whispered in her ear, “It’s alright, kitten. You need to wake now. It’s only a dream. It’s not real. You are safe on the ranch. He can’t hurt you here. Come back to us, come back to me.”
Cathy relaxed completely and Paul knew he’d gotten through to her. Cathy’s eyes snapped open, and she jerked upright, almost taking Paul out in the process. Her haunted violet eyes met his. Her searching gaze landed on everyone in the room. He could practically hear the wheels turning in her brain as she tried to decipher why they were all here. He saw when the knowledge of what happened dawned on her. Cathy’s wide eyes darted to back to his. Her lower lip quivered as her face flushed with embarrassment.
Paul continued to caress her arms and legs, using his touch to calm his mate. “Are you all right, kitten?”
“No.” She covered her face with her hands. “Oh, god. How embarrassing.”
“Mom, you’re awake!” Luke scrambled onto the end of the bed and quickly crawled to her side. He hugged her around the chest. Cathy’s hands immediately fell from her face and she wrapped her arms around Luke.
“I was so worried, Mom. I tried to wake you but I couldn’t. So I went and got Mr. Declan, Mr. Cade, and Ms. Fee. They tried to wake you, too, but they couldn’t do it either. Ms. Fee called Mr. Paul, and he was able to get you to wake up.” Luke leaned back and looked at Cathy. “He must be a really good sheriff, if he could do that, huh Mom?”
Cathy glanced at Paul, then smiled reassuringly at her son. “Yes, baby, he
must be a really good sheriff.”
“Were you dreaming about Bud, Mom?”
“It was just a nightmare, honey. I don’t really remember what it was about. I’m sorry I scared you.”
Cathy looked at Paul, then at Fiona and her men. “Sorry, I disturbed everyone.”
“It’s okay, Mom.” Luke yawned and laid his head in her lap. “We all have bad dreams sometimes.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for, kitten,” Paul, stroking her thigh through the bedcovers. “Are you thirsty, would you like some water?”
“No. I’m good. Thank you,” Cathy replied, averting her eyes.
Fiona touched Cathy’s foot. “We’ll get out of here and let you get back to sleep. You know where we are if you need anything. You know where I am if you want to talk.”
“Yes, thanks, Fiona.”
Paul watched his cousins leave the room. Luke was already asleep, his arm wrapped around Cathy’s waist. Paul knew he should leave and let his mate rest. He wasn’t ready to stop touching her. After what the Fates let him see, he needed the reassurance that she was here with him, safe and unharmed.
Cathy cleared her throat. “Well, um, thank you, again. I think I can sleep now.” She scooted down under the covers and snuggled next to Luke.
Paul wasn’t an idiot. He knew when he was being dismissed. His little mate was entirely too polite to come right out and tell him, to get the hell out. He leaned over, kissed her forehead, and whispered, “Sweet dreams, Cathy.”
He was halfway out the door, when she whispered, “Thank you, Paul.”
Paul moved like an automaton around the pack house kitchen as he prepared a pot of coffee. He wasn’t going back to sleep. Rage and sorrow battled for supremacy inside him. His hands shook as he poured the water in to the reservoir. He was going to rip that motherfucker apart. Why would the Fates show him that?
“You saw her dream?”
He looked over to see Declan leaning against the door frame as if he didn’t have a care in the world. Paul knew better. He could feel the anger and rage coming off his cousin. Paul could see it simmering just below the surface. Declan took it personally when a member of his pack or a female was mistreated. Paul also knew that Dec was thinking about Fiona and what she had gone through, this time last year.